Someone Like You

Newmont Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre to October 29, 2023
“Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you”.  Thus did my parents console me when some school yard bully called me names. What hogwash!

Steffanie Davis as Isabelle in Someone Like You. Credit: Moonrider Productions 

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The Cultch Historic Theatre to October 8, 2023
If you’re up for a challenge and your brain can go two ways at once, check Fairview out.

Yasmin D’Oshun as Keisha in Fairview. Credit: Mark Halliday

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Caído del Cielo: Fallen from Heaven

SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
Twelve hours later I am still exhilarated, wrung out and simply awestruck. Flamenco dancer Rocío Molina (Compañía Rocío Molina, Spain) will do that to you.

Rocío Molina. Credit: Simone Fratini 


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Little Shop of Horrors

Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage to October 8, 2023
If you absolutely must do the horror, rom-com rock musical, Little Shop of Horrors, go BIG, really BIG. And that’s what the Arts Club is doing.

Tenaj Williams as Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors. Credit: Moonrider Productions

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The Last Wife

Jericho Arts Centre to October 1, 2023
Thank you, thank you, Sarah Rodgers, Artistic Director of United Players, for opening your 2023-2024 season with The Last Wife, a smart, witty, imaginative and thoroughly engaging 2-1/2 hours of superb live theatre.

Courtney Shields as Katherine Parr; Matthew Bissett as Henry VIII; and Mehdi Lamrini, as Thom Seymour, in The Last Wife.

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Bard on the Beach to September 24, 2023
Bard on the Beach had a runaway hit on its hands even before opening night. For the first time in Bard history, the entire run of a show – GOBLIN:MACBETH – sold out before the show even opened.

Credit: Terry Manzo. Image design: Emily Cooper

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The Prom


Theatre Under the Stars until August 25, 2023
If you want to ramp up your experience of Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) take someone who has never been before.

Brianna Clark as Alyssa and Anna Pontin as Emma in The Prom. Credit: Emily Cooper

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Henry V

Bard on the Beach until August 13, 2023
Director/adaptor Lois Anderson, working with set designer Amir Ofek, has a vision that involves bringing the audience into Henry V, not so much in an interactive way but by setting a mood, an atmosphere, that informs the play.

Kate Besworth as Henry V. Credit: Tim Matheson

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Julius Caesar

Bard on the Beach to September 24, 2023
When it was announced that Julius Caesar was coming in the Bard 2023 season with women in many of the significant males roles – including Jennifer Lines as Mark Antony – some were intrigued, some were sceptical and there probably was some eye-rolling.

Andrew Wheeler as Julius Caesar and Andrew McNee as Brutus in Julius Caesar. Credit: Tim Matheson

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As You Like It

Bard on the Beach to September 30, 2023
I am not, generally speaking, a laugh-out-loud-at-the-theatre kind of person but several times in this Bard on the Beach production, adapted and directed by Daryl Cloran, I completely lost it.

Chelsea Rose as Rosalind and Oscar Derkx as Orlando in As You Like It. Credit: Emily Cooper

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