Bard on the Beach to September 24, 2023
Bard on the Beach had a runaway hit on its hands even before opening night. For the first time in Bard history, the entire run of a show – GOBLIN:MACBETH – sold out before the show even opened.

Credit: Terry Manzo. Image design: Emily Cooper

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The Prom


Theatre Under the Stars until August 25, 2023
If you want to ramp up your experience of Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) take someone who has never been before.

Brianna Clark as Alyssa and Anna Pontin as Emma in The Prom. Credit: Emily Cooper

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Henry V

Bard on the Beach until August 13, 2023
Director/adaptor Lois Anderson, working with set designer Amir Ofek, has a vision that involves bringing the audience into Henry V, not so much in an interactive way but by setting a mood, an atmosphere, that informs the play.

Kate Besworth as Henry V. Credit: Tim Matheson

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Julius Caesar

Bard on the Beach to September 24, 2023
When it was announced that Julius Caesar was coming in the Bard 2023 season with women in many of the significant males roles – including Jennifer Lines as Mark Antony – some were intrigued, some were sceptical and there probably was some eye-rolling.

Andrew Wheeler as Julius Caesar and Andrew McNee as Brutus in Julius Caesar. Credit: Tim Matheson

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As You Like It

Bard on the Beach to September 30, 2023
I am not, generally speaking, a laugh-out-loud-at-the-theatre kind of person but several times in this Bard on the Beach production, adapted and directed by Daryl Cloran, I completely lost it.

Chelsea Rose as Rosalind and Oscar Derkx as Orlando in As You Like It. Credit: Emily Cooper

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Happy Valley

Firehall Arts Centre to June 4, 2023
As well as death and taxes, change is inevitable but it’s not always a good thing. Written and performed by Derek Chan, Happy Valley is about change and the erasure of history as time marches on.

Derek Chan in Happy Valley. Credit: Pedro Augusto Meza

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First Métis Man of Odesa

The Cultch (in association with the rEvolver Festival) to June 4, 2023
Treat yourself to something sweet – sometimes bittersweet – an utterly  charming intercontinental, intercultural love story.

Matthew Mackenzie and Mariya Khomutova in First Métis Man of Odesa. Credit: Alexis McKeown

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Studio 16, 1551  West 7th Avenue, to May 21, 2023
If romantic comedies are your thing, there’s a good chance you will like Unexpecting. You might laugh yourself silly.

Jessica Heafey as Jo and Rahat Saini as Annie in Unexpecting. Credit: Tina Krueger Kulic

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Under Milk Wood

Jericho Arts Centre until April 30, 2023
Metro Theatre May 5-14, 2023
Hard-drinking, hard-living, hard-loving writer Dylan Thomas set Under Milk Wood, originally produced as a radio play for the BBC in 1954, in LLareggub, a fictitious seaside town in south Wales. Spelled backwards, Llareggub is “buggerall”. Such irreverence and playfulness with words infuses Under Milk Wood.

Gordon Law, Diana Sandberg (as Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard) and Peter Robbins in Under Milk Wood. Credit: Nancy Caldwell

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Stupid F*cking Bird

The Cultch Historic Theatre to April 23, 2023
Superior direction by Mindy Parfitt and stellar performances by everyone, Stupid F*cking Bird is packed with tremendous sympathy for the human condition and the timely questioning of the function of theatre: then as now.

Nathan Kay as Con and Kerry Sandomirsky as Emma in Stupid F*cking Bird. Credit: Emily Cooper

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