Balm in Gilead

At Studio 58 until April 7, 2013
The despair in Balm in Gilead is enough to keep these Studio 58 student actors on the straight and narrow for the rest of their lives – not that these over-achievers are at any risk of blowing it.

Chris Cope and Masae Day in Balm in Gilead. Credit: David Cooper

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2 Pianos 4 Hands

At The Stanley until April 14, 2013
2 Pianos 4 Hands. Right: two guys, four hands, two pianos. But Ted Dykstra and Richard Greenblatt are so good they could each do a show that might be called 2 Hands 4 Pianos – but why would they?

Richard Greenblatt and Ted Dykstra in 2 Pianos 4 Hands. Photo: Courtesy of Mirvish Productions

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At PAL Studio until March 23, 2013
If I were an entertainment editor I wouldn’t send me to review this show. I’m just all wrong for it. Heterosexual grandmother – what could be a worse perspective from which to view a play about a gay couple – older guy/younger guy – hitting the doldrums in their ten-year relationship?

Credit: Itai Erdal

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Broken Sex Doll

At The Cultch until March 24, 2013
Don’t see this show unless you want to laugh your face off. It’s rude, rude, rude and funny, funny, funny. If you can’t bear to hear the following blanks filled in, Broken Sex Doll is definitely not for you:
“c—k s—–g, mother-f—–g, son-of-a-bitch”. Otherwise, get ready to roll in the aisles.

Gili Roskies and Benjamin Elliott in Broken Sex Doll. Credit: Bettina Strauss

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Mother Teresa is Dead

At Pacific Theatre until March 23, 2013
Even when we’re doing good works, human frailty can undermine our best intentions. In Helen Edmundson’s Mother Teresa is Dead, each character – in his or her way – is trying to do the right thing but each is fraught with weakness and/or contradiction.

Kayvon Kelly and Julie McIsaac in Mother Teresa is Dead. Credit: Ron Reed

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At The Cultch. No more performances
Not often is the whole less than the sum of its parts. So while Extraction didn’t hang together perfectly, its parts were startlingly and often disturbingly informative.

Jimmy Mitchell, Sunny Sun and Jason Wilson in Extraction. Credit: Tim Matheson

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How Has My Love Affected You?

At the Arts Club Revue Stage until March 23, 2013
How Has My Love Affected You? might give your tear ducts a major workout. My guest, a cool but sensitive guy, sobbed openly for the last ten minutes. I didn’t know that his mother’s dementia had progressed so far that he can’t bear to visit her in the care facility where she now lingers.

Zak Youssef and Marcus Youssef in How Has My Love Affected You? Credit: Simon Hayter

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At Performance Works until March 17, 2013
Wear your flak jacket to this one and be prepared to be strafed, assaulted, flayed and blasted by words, words, words in Irish writer Mark O’Rowe’s searing, fantastical tale of three separate souls on a night-out in down-and-dirty Dublin.

Pippa Mackie in Terminus. Credit: Ian Snow

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The Icebook

At The Anderson Street Space (TASS) until March 2, 2013
Sparkling jewel. Tiny gem. Small treasure. These all – inadequately – describe this utterly charming little piece presented by Boca del Lupo as part of their Micro Performance Series.

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At Norman and Annette Rothstein Theatre until March 3, 2013
I don’t believe in ghosts but if someone else wants to, go ahead. So when young artist Sarah, whose abortionist father died of a heart attack a year ago, says she is being “visited” by him, what’s the problem?

Carmel Amit and Kayla Deorksen in Haunted. Credit: Tim Matheson

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